Jack when he was 2 yrs old
Last year I was on bed rest on Halloween and I HATED IT! I hate missing out on any of what I consider to be memory moments. But it was just one Halloween and I did enjoy myself watching the Ghost Hunters Live show:)This year I am hoping to have a family theme, dogs included,I am thinking bees. Of course that would make me the Queen bee but that's just a given. Also if my husband refuses to dress up as I am guessing he will, I can just put a sign on his back that say W.A.S.P.
Not only do I love Halloween but I love that it is the countdown to Christmas, my FAVORITE of all favorites! Ella birthday will be on Thanksgiving which is so exciting too, a turkey and a birthday cake, you can't beat that! Then is non stop Christmas music on KOSI 101 until New Years!! I am by far the happiest person on earth when I am listening to Christmas music, how can you not be?
Ok well Ella has just pulled all the newspaper out of the recycling and Jack has pulled all the pots and pans out of the cabinet, better step in...