Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I like my new phone

I got my new phone today and it was long overdue. My old phone was hanging up on people and falling apart. When they arrived I was disappointed because mine did not have a key pad. I opted for the free phone thinking my hubby was going the same route. Well I opened the box and saw two different phones, one of which had a key pad! Bastard! I am not a fan, well I wasn't with my old phone at least , of the touch screen phones. And my new one was, well is, a touch screen phone and there was my hubbys new phone mocking me with its slide down keypad.
So I pitched a mini fit, I tend to do that sometimes. The man NEVER texts and doesn't have to check his email all the time because he is at work all the time in front of, you guessed it HIS COMPUTER!
Well I got him to agree with me to trade, I attempted to call verizon to switch my number to the keypad phone and then gave up. I figured I would give it a go for a few days then decide.
Well wouldn't you know it, it freakin rocks! I can listen to music on it, I am currently listening to the radio on it! But getting rudely interrupted by phone calls from my hubby, who is sitting on the couch downstairs. Why is he calling you ask?? HE WANTS THIS PHONE NOW!! AHHHHhhahahhah!
Its mine and I love it, I even texted him and told him so:)
Last night was a giveaway turned into stuff! Congrats to Lulu the dog and Randi for their big wins!
SO lets push for 400 fans and giveaway some more goodies..I have some more bottles, some funky dolls, cute hair clips and who knows what else...

1 comment:

  1. I was just blogging around this morning and found your blog. Thank you for making me laugh. I too decided to finally up grade my phone after having the old style for 3 years. It still worked great but my son talked me into it. I got a smart phone and at first I said, Oh No!!!! This stupid phone is smarter then I am. But i am not getting the swing of it, although I have a few things left to learn yet. You just make him keep his keypad one and that will teach him for not asking you first. LOL Thanks for letting me visit and thanks for makingme laugh.
