Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yup I'm bloggin now!

Well I knew it was only a matter of time before I had a blog, facebook, twitter, texting and gmail aren't enough of an outlet for my chatty cathy ways:)
Well perhaps I should introduce myself if you are new to the blog...My name is Jessica, I live in Colorado with my amazing family, Patrick, my hunk of a hubby, Jackson, my funny little man, Ella, my little bundle of happiness, Reggie, my first born (furry) son and Toby our new cat/dog hybrid.
I am originally from New Jersey and if you ask me what exit I will punch square in the nose. I am light years away from the person I was when I lived there in some ways and in others I am exactly the same. I am a breastfeeding, co sleeping, cloth diapering, composting, urban gardening (well 1 tomato plant) meal cooking domestic goddess. Along with my many mommy and wifey duties I am also a sales rep for some wonderful lines and a group fitness instructor for a mommy and me stroller class.
So strap yourself in and get ready for funny stories, cute pics and the best of all GIVEAWAYS!!


  1. You make me want to follow your blog just because of your cottage cheese status on Facebook...too funny!

  2. So I'm a new follower :) and a new Colorado-an?? Sorry, don't know the lingo yet lol. You say you compost..are you in an area where they have these bear problems with garbage and all...if so, how do you compost without attracting all the wildlife?
